Paul McGillivray

Unlock Custom Software Development Opportunities

Identifying and overcoming bottlenecks to streamline your workflow

Business Process Improvement 1

The first step in any custom software project is to map out your business workflow and identify any bottlenecks or areas of weakness. By doing this, you can gain a clear understanding of how your business operates and where there's room for improvement.

This process can be eye-opening and it may highlight areas of weakness that you weren't aware of. The prospect of doing this can be daunting for some businesses, but it’s an opportunity to leverage your obstacles and turn them into opportunities for growth. As Ryan Holiday says in his book "The obstacle is the way. What impedes us can also empower us." 

It's important to approach this with a growth mindset. Instead of seeing weaknesses as something to be hidden or ashamed of, they should be viewed as opportunities for improvement. Make sure your team gets this so that they are forthcoming about issues they face.

Identifying bottlenecks in your workflow is a critical part of custom software development, and post-it notes can be an excellent tool for doing just that. By using post-it notes, you can visually map out your team and customer journeys, and invite your team to share any obstacles or frustrations they encounter along the way.

Yellow notes represent all the steps in your workflow, and red notes represent any issues or bottlenecks that arise. As you go through the entire journey, you'll notice where the red notes pile up. The larger the grouping of red notes, the bigger the bottleneck. This is where you can start with your new software system.

With this process, you can transform these bottlenecks into a source of delight for both your team and your customers. Whether it's automation, a customer portal, a dashboard, a document repository, or a directory, there are plenty of solutions available.

Once you've solved the initial bottleneck, you can move on to the next biggest grouping of red cards. By continuing this process, you can create a streamlined workflow that enables your team to work more efficiently and effectively. The obstacle becomes the way, and you can turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Business Process Improvement 2

Remember, software development is an ongoing and iterative process. Ongoing testing and monitoring are crucial to ensuring that your software’s performing optimally and meeting your business needs. As your business evolves, your software needs may change, so it's important to keep testing and monitoring to identify any issues and opportunities for improvement. Go back and repeat the team and customer journey exercise regularly to keep on top of any issues.

Also, regular testing helps ensure that your software is reliable and secure and that it's delivering the expected results. This can involve everything from functional testing to performance testing, security testing, and more. By identifying any issues early, you can avoid costly downtime and ensure that your team can work effectively and efficiently.

Don’t forget to ask your customers for regular feedback. What’s working? Where are their frustrations? They may have their red notes that you haven’t considered yet.

Of course, it’s important for any software development that you choose the right technology partner. With Remote, you can be sure that we will work closely with you to understand your business needs and goals. During our Clarity Workshops, we collaborate with you to identify the most significant opportunities for improvement. Our team of expert designers and developers will ensure that the software we develop for you is user-friendly, reliable, and scalable.

So, don't let the fear of highlighting weaknesses hold you back from achieving your business goals. Embrace the obstacles and turn them into opportunities for growth with Remote.

If you want to find out more about our studio, drop us a message – we’d love to chat with you.
