Paul McGillivray

The Power of Process Automation

Automate Your Processes to Thrive

Looking forward to the future

As we find ourselves preparing to enter the 2020's, we are experiencing huge disruption across every industry. Business is transforming before our eyes. Automation is giving leading companies a serious competitive advantage, and the choice is to join them in their quest for future scale and digitisation, or be beaten by them as they make sales and deliver products while you (and they) sleep.

The businesses that will survive and thrive in the 2020's will be those who fulfil these simple prerequisites:

1. They are sustainable, transparent and work with integrity.

2. Their systems and processes are digitised and automated.

3. They have identified each team member's individual talents, and have automated anything that they do that doesn't fall within those talents.

Businesses that work to these prerequisites have highly motivated, efficient, and organised teams. They deliver more quickly, to a higher quality, and to more customers than their competitors. They can scale as their demand increases without having to recruit and train new staff.

They can work from anywhere, and always have a complete view of their business. Their teams work with purpose, and their days have meaning. The smartest people want to work for them, and their profits are huge.

Your ability to not only keep up with these exponentially-growing businesses but to join them and to thrive in this new, exciting decade will be dictated by how well you automate your processes and maintain full-business systems that deliver quickly and consistently, freeing you and your team to work on the important, meaningful tasks that can’t be automated;

  • Building relationships with clients
  • Innovating new products and services
  • Building your profile and leading the industry discourse
  • Networking and partnering with complementary businesses

Custom software can integrate with other systems seamlessly, and automate your processes and do many of your administrative or operational tasks for you. The more work you can delegate to automated systems, the freer you and your team are to do the work that really matters.

Many businesses are already excelling at this. Will you join them and thrive in the 2020's? Will you, too, become an exponential business?